Bringing Chemicals into QNFCF Labs
How to bring chemicals or materials in labs
New chemicals/materials not yet approved for use
New chemicals/materials cannot be introduced into any QNFCF lab without prior approval from the QNFCF Process Engineering Team.
Before introducing a new material(s) into any QNFCF lab, the lab member must submit a process review request form. Safety data sheets (SDS) may be attached to the form.
- The proposed new chemicals/materials cannot be introduced until the QNFCF Process Engineering Team has formally reviewed and approved the request. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Approved chemicals: bringing them in and removal
Lab members may at times wish to bring a chemical into a QNFCF lab which has already been authorized and for which a Safety Data Sheet is already present in the SDS binder for the lab in question. In this event, the lab member may do so ONLY with the express prior approval of a member of the QNFCF Process Engineering Team. NO EXCEPTIONS.
With assistance from QNFCF Staff, the approved chemical must ONLY be introduced in any given lab via the safest route into that lab. In the case of the QNC Cleanroom, the safest route is via Wipedown Room # QNC 1704. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Similarly, if chemicals need to be removed from the QNC Cleanroom, the safest route is via Wipedown Room # QNC 1704. NO EXCEPTIONS.
This applies to chemical containers of ANY size. NO EXCEPTIONS.
If chemical bottles are greater than 2L in volume, they will be decanted by staff into a 2L container. This 2L bottle will be stored in the cleanroom, while the master bottle will be stored in an external storage room accessible to staff only. Users may then ask staff to decant more from their master bottle as needed. Users will be charged a $40 fee for purchasing the 2L storage bottle.
Non compliance will result in loss of member privileges