Invoicing & Payment Terms
Invoices due upon receipt
Consistent with its Mission statement, the QNFCF is supportive of the multiple research programs enabled by its infrastructure, capabilities and people.
The facility and its membership benefit greatly from operating funds graciously provided by many funding agencies. These funds cover major operating costs such as salaries, utilities and infrastructure repair & maintenance.
Remaining operating costs such as supplies, materials and equipment repairs & maintenance must be recouped via access fees charged to the facility's membership on a "per use" basis. These access fees are detailed in invoices which are issued monthly (on the 3rd of every month) to all registered Principal Investigator's (PI's) whose groups have used the facility in the previous month.
Invoices are due upon receipt
Prompt payment is greatly appreciated - thank you.
Unpaid invoices
After 30 days: The PI will receive a reminder via email.
After 45 days: The PI will receive a second reminder and will be advised that their group's access privileges will be suspended in 15 days unless payment is received. In the case of UWaterloo Faculty, the PI's Department Chair will be copied on the second reminder.
After 60 days:
The affected group will see their facility access privileges suspended.
The PI will receive a final email to advise them of access suspension. In the case of UWaterloo Faculty, the PI's Department Chair will be copied.
A separate email will be sent to the affected Lab Members in the PI's research group to make them aware of the situation. The PI and their Department Chair (where applicable) will be copied.
Group access will be reinstated immediately after the situation has been resolved.