File Transfer Mechanism

Controls for transferring files to/from lab equipment

Downloading files to/from equipment located in the QNC cleanroom must *only* be accomplished via the file transfer system dedicated to this task. This protects lab equipment computers from the damaging effects of computer viruses.

New File Transfer System

In February 2018 a new file transfer system was rolled out for the QNC cleanroom which is based on OwnCloud software ( ), a platform that enabled the establishment of a private “cloud storage” server. 

All lab members are able to use their UWaterloo WatID credentials to set up an account on the QNFCF's dedicated OwnCloud server. This account is accessible from personal computers located on campus, as well as lab equipment computers located in the cleanroom. The purpose of this account is to provide a small (5 GB), synchronized directory for the transfer of design and metrology files to/from lab equipment located in the cleanroom.

IMPORTANT: This system should not be treated as extra storage space as it is NOT backed up. 

Instructions for Use of New File Transfer System

Setting up OwnCloud account and accessing from outside cleanroom:

  • Go to URL (Chrome browser recommended):

  • Enter your WatID (8 character version only) and password into the login interface
    • First login may take some time as a new account is being generated

  • Files may be dragged and dropped into OwnCloud web interface (works best with Google Chrome)

Accessing files in cleanroom:

  • OwnCloud server address is bookmarked in the Chrome browser (Marked as “Cleanroom File transfer”) located on the desktop of most Fab computers.

  • OwnCloud web interface may be used to upload or download necessary files (login using your WatID credentials)

Instructions for Legacy File Transfer System

Summary of the order of operations for a file transfer: 

  1. Plug in USB key to file transfer kiosk computer (gowning room)

  2. Log into file transfer kiosk using your credentials (username is provided on envelope from in-cleanroom orientation – password is your door PIN)

  3. Upload files to server through kiosk interface

  4. Go to tool computer

  5. To retrieve files, click on browser link on desktop entitled “Cleanroom file transfer portal”

  6. Login to file transfer interface using your credentials and download desired files to temporary folder on desktop

Note:  File transfer mechanism is bi-directional, so files generated in the cleanroom can be transferred out using the same method (login and upload at tool computer, then login and download to USB key at kiosk).