General Info

Vendor:   JEOL
Model:     JEM-F200 S/TEM with EELS
Purpose:  Field emission transmission electron microscope for material analysis


  1. Material restrictions in effect: click here
  2. Training required prior to use: click here
  3. More info for lab members: Manuals and Processes


TEM Imaging


non-CS corrected, cold field emission (CFEG)

Minimum energy resolution 

0.3 eV or less at 200 kV

Minimum guaranteed brightness

8 x 10E8 A/cm2 or higher at 200 kV


TEM: ×20 to ×2.0 M        

STEM: ×200 to ×150 M

Acceleration voltage  

20 kV to 200 kV with presets at 80 kV and 200 kV

Minimum accelerating voltage step size



Analytical Capabilities

  • EDS: single 100mm2 SDD detector
  • EELS: Gatan GIF Continuum ER (1065) enabling energy-filtered TEM (EFTEM) applications in addition to high-speed EELS. Continuum 1065 is equipped with a low-noise, high dynamic range 2k x 2k CMOS detector with high-speed XCR detector technology. Includes high-speed EDS acquisition upgrade, enabling the simultaneous acquisition of EDS with high-speed EELS data.

Sample Holders

  • JEOL Reinforced Single Tilt holder
  • JEOL Reinforced Dual-tilt Beryllium holder
  • Use of any other holder requires direct authorization from staff before use

Publication methods example


The following is an example of the information that should be provided in your publication methods section. Items underlined and starred may be different for each dataset, this blurb assumes that you acquired TEM, STEM BF/DF, EDS, and EELS data. All tool information here is for the QNFCF JEOL F200 TEM, each '*' symbol indicates a value that will vary for each dataset. 


STEM imaging was carried out on the JEOL F200 STEM, equipped with BF and ADF detectors, EDS, and the Gatan GIF Continuum ER detector (model 1065). The microscope was operated at 200 keV, and EELS spectra were acquired with a collection angle of * mrad and a dispersion of * eV/channel, with resolution * eV estimated from the full-width half-maximum value of the ZLP. STEM-EELS maps were acquired with * s acquisition time per spectra per pixel, and a step size of * nm across the mapped area/linescan. Drift correction was used to maintain the mapping locations, and the ZLP position was locked during the scan to prevent energy drift, finally, a dark correction was applied post-scan.

Data Processing

The data was analysed using the Digital Micrograph software (Gatan). The background was deconvolved using the power-law fit and the elements were quantified using the Hartree-Slater model. The areal density (atoms/area unit) was mapped in Figure *.