TEM Training

Training prior to use is mandatory

  • Given the high precision and delicate nature of typical processes generally carried out in this system, members can request JEOL JEM-F200 S/TEM to be operated by QNFCF staff on a fee-for-service basis.

  • For individuals whose research program is heavily dependent on ongoing and routine access to this system, operator training may be requested.

  • Training for this tool will be a multi-session process and tailored to user experimental needs. Contact the staff member for clarification. A general flow for TEM training is shown below:
    • NOTE: Training may take more or fewer sessions depending on user comfort and experience. Users are only charged for the time used, the guide below is an estimate.
  • Group training sessions are possible, but all students must independently pass the qualification session.

    • Advanced TEM user status is separate from general cleanroom advanced user status. This status allows users to operate the TEM after hours and is granted after 5 independent sessions of TEM use (not including training). This status also requires an additional ~20-minute training session, please contact a staff member to receive this training.
    • For more practice, you can use a helpful MyScope TEM simulation website: https://myscope.training/TEM_simulator.html [1] to get familiar with the tools you will use in TEM imaging, STEM, and diffraction. The MyScope website also provides information on TEM theory: https://myscope.training/TEM_Introduction_to_TEM [1].

      [1] Whiting, J., Yen, L., & Stanford, N. (2022). MyScope: Free online microscopy training resource – continuing development to reflect the current microscopy landscape. Micron, 160, 103319. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micron.2022.103319