General Info

Summary of system capabilities

Vendor:   Scienta Omicron 
Model:    LT STM Lab with QPlus AFM
Purpose:  UHV Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 


  1. Material restrictions in effect: click here
  2. Training is required prior to use: click here
  3. More info for lab members: Manuals and Processes

Atomic-resolution Scanning Tunneling Microscopy:

By measuring the tunneling current generated by biasing an atomically sharp probe and a flat, clean sample surface brought within several angstroms proximity in ultra-high vacuum chamber, the local density of states of the surface can be mapped. Images can be formed of the surface topography, atomic lattice and electronic surface states. 

Equipment Specifications:

Sample size: 10 mm x 10 mm (standard flag-style sample plates)

Gap Voltage: +/- 1 V (30 uV steps) and +/- 10 V (300 uV steps)

Tunneling current: 1 pA to 300 nA with feedback loop active

Stability: Z stability ~ 2 pm, XY stability <1 angstrom in 24 hours at 5K

Operational temperature range: 5K up to Room-Temperature with counter heating. Liquid nitrogen/ Liquid helium cryostat built in to the SPM head. For cooling and holding times consult staff.    

Scan range X/ Y/ Z :

10 um x 10 um x 1.5 um (RT)

4 um x 4 um x 0.4 um (77 K)

1.8 um x 1.8 um x 0.2 um (5 K)

4 - contact sample holder: Capable of applying lateral volatges acropss samples in-situ

 UHV Preparation chamber: Resistive and direct sample heating, Argon sputter gun and in-situ sample cleaving station

QPlus Atomic force microscopy (AFM): Alternative imaging mode used to image single crystalline and insulating surfaces 

Additional Information:

  • All materials going into this system should specifically be listed in the authorized materials page.