Pulsed laser deposition

At Demcon TSST we specialize in the design and production of customized, thin-film deposition equipment, with a focus on Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD). Our PLD systems ensure the best flexibility for RHEED (Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction) studies and parameter reproducibility designed for thin-film research at atomic level. Our systems are ideally suited and field-proven for research on a large variety of materials including complex oxides, from small to large area samples and wafer platforms.
With our focus on custom design and unique system solutions, we incorporate the latest technological developments in our systems. We are strongly inspired by current thin-film scientific research, the most recent advances in available vacuum technology and customer feedback on our products. Their experience with our systems, components and software is highly valued and continuously used in the improvement of our products. We invest in the research and development of new products, components, research tools and characterization techniques to expand the possibilities of thin-film research with PLD.