New Project Application & Account Authorization (online fillable)

Please complete requests on the current New Project Application & Account Authorization form.


1: PI is responsible for all charges incurred on this project.

2: PI wishing to work in the lab should enter their name & WatIAM userid (if applicable) in Part 2 tab above.

Part 1. Principal Investigator (PI) / Advisor
First name of PI
Last/Surname of PI
Email address of PI
Faculty of the PI eg. Science, Engineering, etc
Department of the PI, eg. Physics, Electrical Engineering, etc
UWaterloo Institute PI is affiliated with
Name of the building where the PI's office is located
Room number of the PI's office
Specify whether project is new to QNFCF or an existing project
Enter name of the new project
"Fee-for-service" only available if approved by staff at consultation phase
Part 2. Personnel Expected to Work on this Project
(UW users only)
(UW users only) Faculty of this User eg. Science, Engineering, etc
(UW users only) Department of this user, eg. Physics, Electrical Engineering, etc
(UW users only) UWaterloo Institute this user is affiliated with
Please refer to Membership Eligibility Requirements policy for more info.

PLEASE NOTE: People listed in parts 1 & 2 agree to be subscribed to the Quantum NanoFab Mailing List and also agree to have their name appear in annual reports or in any other fab-related publications.