
Materials Research AFMs

Helping scientists discover, understand and publish in evolving subjects of materials science

High-Resolution Atomic Force Microscopes for Challenging Research

The atomic force microscope (AFM), now entering its fourth decade as a primary technology for advanced materials research, has been used to drive discovery across a nearly countless array of disciplines and applications.


Bruker has led the expansion of atomic force microscope capabilities, starting with the introduction of the first commercial system in the 1980s. Since then, our commitment to helping you do more, and do it more easily, has kept Bruker AFMs at the very cutting-edge of instrumentation innovation. As the technology has matured, our AFMs — powered by exclusive PeakForce Tapping® technology — have consistently delivered highly reliable high-resolution data and empowered scientists to characterize features on ever more complex samples. This data quality and reliability extends to more than just topography; scientists in leading labs around the world are using Bruker AFMs to advance new nanomechanical, nanoelectrical, and nanoelectrochemical research, on the order of three peer-reviewed published articles per day.


Find the Best Atomic Force Microscope for Your Application

Need help? Contact us to discuss your requirements or see our recommendations for instrument selection.

See how to use upgrades and add-ons to customize a Dimension Icon AFM with extended capabilities.

AFM Modes

Expand Your Research with World's Best Selection of AFM Modes

With an unrivalled — and still growing — suite of available imaging modes, Bruker has an AFM technique for every investigation.

Bruker AFM modes allow researchers to probe their samples’ electrical, magnetic, or materials properties at the nanoscale with unmatched confidence. Bruker’s proprietary PeakForce Tapping technology represents a new core imaging paradigm that provides unprescedented high-resolution imaging, extends AFM measurements into a range of samples not previously accessed, and uniquely enables simultaneous nanoscale property mapping.

This and our other AFM mode advances — such as DataCube, Ringing, ss-PFM, and our new Torsional Resonance Dynamic Friction Microscopy (TR-DFM) and PeakForce Magnetic Force Microscopy modes — are enhancing other correlative and quantitative mapping techniques to enable the development of new modes and deliver new possibilities in an ever-expanding set of topograhical, mechanical, electrical, and chemical applications.


Frequently Asked Questions

AFM Applications

Investigate Properties in Nanoscale Structures


Learn More About Atomic Force Microscopy

Bruker has deep experience and expertise in all things related to atomic force microscopy.

We are eager to share this knowledge with the larger research community. Be sure to explore our extensive offering of resources, below.

If you would like to speak with a Bruker atomic force microscopy expert in person, contact us to discuss your specific application requirements and measurement needs.

Watch Our AFM Webinars

Our webinars cover best practices, introduce new products, provide quick solutions to tricky questions, and offer ideas for new applications, modes, or techniques.

Service and Support

How Can We Help?

Bruker partners with our customers to solve real-world application issues. We develop next-generation technologies and help customers select the right system and accessories. This partnership continues through training and extended service, long after the tools are sold.

Our highly trained team of support engineers, application scientists and subject-matter experts are wholly dedicated to maximizing your productivity with system service and upgrades, as well as application support and training.

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